Project year: 2018
Project location: Mandurah Forum, Mandurah WA
Project client: City of Mandurah
Our art installation screen at Mandurah Forum features painted concrete and laser-cut aluminium, creating a screen reminiscent of light reflecting off water. The design pays homage to the vital role water plays in Mandurah and the town’s proximity to the ocean.
“I found inspiration in the energy of water and how it can interchangeably be described as still, calm, dynamic, unstoppable and peaceful. I felt this aligned with the energetic transformation Mandurah is experiencing at the moments, turning into a vibrant city of its own.” - Alister Yiap.
Read more about the installation at Mandurah Mail, Coast Live, Perth Now and Mondoluce.
Alister Yiap is a Perth-based design artist who works in a number of creative fields including Art, Fashion, Jewellery and Industrial design. Yiap specialises in custom bespoke pieces, embedding a distinctive geometric signature aesthetic with a contemporary approach, clean lines and refined attention to detail. For private commissions, please send us an enquiry here.